How to make OBS Stinger transitions in Adobe Premiere Elements

Hi everybody! Today I’m going to be showing you a really easy way to make your own custom stinger transitions for OBS.

Stinger transitions are custom transitions between scenes that many streamers use to add a more personal and professional effect to their streams. Today, I’ll be focusing on using them in OBS, which can be downloaded here. Streamlabs OBS operated very similarly.

First, you’ll need to design the image or video you’ll be using between transitions. If you want the text to have separate animation (like in my example that I use), then leave out the text for now. Your image/video should be at least 1280 by 720 pixels. Try to have something that coordinates with your existing scenes.

Next, load up your video in your favorite editing software. I’ll be using Adobe Premiere Elements, which is a simpler (and much cheaper) version of Adobe’s popular Premiere Pro. I highly recommend this for people just getting into video editing.

Now, apply the Chroma Key filter to your video. If your video has no black, select black as the color, and adjust the settings until nothing looks different in your picture/video. If you have black in your picture/video, you’ll need to do a couple of extra steps, which I’ll explain now.

If using black:

Add two images at the beginning and end with a color that’s not in your video. I chose a neon green. Apply the Chroma Key filter to all images, and select neon green (or whatever color you chose) as the color to key out. You should not see that color when you play the video.

Now, apply your transitions between the green image and your main image.

Tutorial continued:

Choose a transition you like. I recommend doing the same transition for the beginning and end to keep it consistent. Apply the transition to the beginning and end of your video.

Now, if you want to add text, add some in the middle and apply a transition to that as well.

Play your transition and see if you like it. Try to keep it about 3 seconds or less.

Export your video as a .MOV file. This may be listed under Quicktime, and you may need to download it for this to work. Make sure when you export, you check the option to preserve the alpha. For me, this was listed as “8-bpc + alpha”.

Once you’ve exported, go into OBS and add a new transition. Select Stinger. Load up your video file, and change the transition point time to 1000 ms. Preview your transition. If it looks good, you should be good to go!

Let me know if you have any questions, or anything you’d like to add to this tutorial. I hope you find this helpful – if so, tag me at on social media @ BoopCreate so I can see what you made!

Mess-free cold brew coffee recipe

Any Starbucks (or coffee) fanatic will tell you cold brew coffee is the best, and perhaps the only way to drink iced coffee. While Starbucks was closed down, I ventured to make my own, however the results were… not good initially.

Most cold brew recipes call for putting the coffee grounds straight into the water, letting it sit in the fridge overnight, then straining the grounds and water through a coffee filter or cheesecloth. My first (and last attempt) at doing this ended horribly – when I tried to strain it through a coffee filter, coffee ended up everywhere, and what I was able to strain somehow still had grounds in it. I was seriously looking forward to my cold brew, so I’m not going to lie – I cried.

There had a to be a better way of doing this – and so I found one.

Here is my mess free method of making cold brew coffee:


  •         Coffee grounds (I used store bought, pre-ground coffee)
  •          Coffee filter
  •          Food safe string/twine
  •          Mason jar/cup with lid
  •          Water


Fill a coffee filter with coffee grounds until you have just enough room to gather and tie it at the top.

Take a small piece of twine and tie the filter securely.

Place the coffee filter filled with grounds in your mason jar.

Fill with approximately 8 ounces of water.

Put the lid on your container, and stick it in the fridge for about 8 hours or overnight.

In the morning, remove the grounds, add milk or sugar – caster sugar is easy to mix in – and enjoy! This recipe makes one 8 ounce cup of coffee. Feel free to experiment with strength, coarseness of beans, roast strength, and more!

Now instead of crying over failed cold brew in the morning, I cry because we are currently in the middle of a pandemic, there is rampant injustice, and the United States has record high unemployment – but at least I have decent cold brew coffee!